Aaron Benavidez Benefit Photos Available

The photos from the event are now available to view! The link below will take you to them. If you are asked for the guest password, it is: SeePhotos
Double click on the first photo, and you will be able to see the photo larger, as well as navigate through the rest of them. If you see some you'd like to have, feel free to save them. Thank you again for allowing me to take part in the event, and I hope you enjoy the photos!

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me! I'd love to hear from you!

And if you, or someone you know, would like to set up a photo session (I'm in Austin, will travel for weddings/events), get in touch! Feel free to pass my information around, too! I'm just trying to build up in Austin, since I've just moved here. Thanks! :]
